e-Sword Modules for Seventh-day Adventists from:
Now the Bible
is more accessible than ever
The word of the living God is not merely written, but spoken. It is God’s voice speaking to us just as surely as if we could hear it with our ears. If we realized this, with what awe we would open God’s Word, and with what earnestness we would search its pages.
The reading of the Scriptures would be regarded as an
audience with the Most High.
--Ellen G. White -Review & Herald, March 31, 1903
Luke 24:45
Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the Scriptures.
Sharpening the Sword
SHIRLEY BABIENCO is the creator and developer of the Sharpening the Sword website. She makes homemade bread, grows a garden, collects vegetarian and vegan cookbooks, knits, quilts, loves Jesus and studies the Bible with e-Sword.
The modules I post on www.sharpeningthesword.net began as a personal project after my own Bible study was jolted awake when introduced to e-Sword (www.e-sword.net) in 2002 by my pastor Dr. Pierre Steenberg. At that time my work days were long, time was short, and I soon discovered that e-Sword offered a very practical approach to Bible study that fit my commitments God had given me. My relationship with Jesus began to blossom.
But I discovered a problem. I found modules being posted by many denominations that contained their theological understandings--but there was nothing for Seventh-day Adventists. I continued to search the internet for several years in the hope of finding e-Sword modules that contained the Seventh-day Adventist message. There just weren’t any.
Finally, I decided to explore making my own modules. After a couple of years of incredible blessing, I was studying the Sabbath School lesson, doing personal Bible study and research with Spirit of Prophecy material, developing Bible study lessons within e-Sword--and with a quality and efficiency of time that fit my days. The spiritual blessing continued to grow and I thought, if I'm experiencing this, wouldn't other e-Sword users? My idea became a passion to provide Seventh-day Adventist faith-based modules for e-Sword. There is a huge congregation of e-Sword users worldwide of all faiths and backgrounds (e-Sword has been downloaded 30 million times plus) and if ever there was a field for sharing Bible truths, this was it.
So in October 2009 with my pastor's coaching (Dr. Pierre Steenberg), Sharpening the Sword website was launched from my kitchen table. Also Dr. Brent Hildebrand,1955-2020, was an incredible help in developing the module creation and download procedures. In His time, God has put me in touch with the right people in many Seventh-day Adventist organizations that have graciously given permission for me to use some of their material for e-Sword modules. The General Conference Sabbath School Department, Pastor Stephen Bohr, Pastor Doug Batchelor, Dr. Jon Paulien, Dr. Walter Veith, Pastor Ivor Myers, and Mr. Merlin Beerman have provided excellent material that is now available as e-Sword modules. I am grateful to all the contributors and more humbled to think that God has given me a chance to witness for him in a unique way. I certainly obtained a free self-taught crash course in website development!!
I hope that the modules you find on the Sharpening the Sword website provide a real blessing to your e-Sword Bible study and relationship with our Lord Jesus.
May God bless you as you seek for Him -- Shirley Babienco
About Sharpening the Sword Website
EMAIL CONTACT: esword4sdas@gmail.com